
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Super Fun Weekend in Naples

We spent the long weekend in Naples with the kids and some great friends, Kelly, Bob, Caylie, Kelly's Mom Pat and her Aunt Deb and Deb's Son Cody. We had a blast!!
We went to the beach, there was sand castle building, Swimming, boogie boarding and Sunning, we hung out at the pool and grilled out (in the dark) hee hee but it was fun!! We had great dinners, Pizza and Seafood all in the same weekend and Rob can't stop talking about Bob's Potato Salad!! We drank, we laughed and we watched Fireworks!! It was a fun relaxing weekend. And we can't wait to do it again!!! We stayed at this cozy resort called The Cove Inn on Naples Bay. We had gorgeous views of the Marina all day.

Here's comes the photos..........

This is our cute little room, it also had a kitchen

The View from our Room
This is a reverse negative photo - I think it looks cool
The kids waiting for breakfast at the hotel restaurant
Then it was time to hit the beach
There was some serious sand play going on
Miss Caylie!!
Sand Castle made by Kelly & Megan
Front View of the Castle
Proudly showing off their Castle
Great Job Ladies!!
Me at the Beach!!
Megan trying to catch a wave
not many waves on the West Coast
Look how far out everyone can walk out for miles
Nate, Caylie & Cody catching minnows
 Megan, Nate, Caylie & Cody
Best Looking Kids on the Beach!!

Megan's Friends
Nate won her the Cow Friday night at dinner!!
The Squirrel & Pooh she brought from home
That's also Nate's Teddy on the Right
Megan trying to stay warm at the pool
It got a bit cool during the rain...

Deb & Bob
Don't Mess with Bob
Or else he'll Clean Your Clock with his
Big Pink Noodle!!
Kelly gave us all Red, White & Blue Pedicures
except Megan who got a Manicure
Thanks Kelly!!
My Toes.....
Oops...just a small spill...LOL
Our BBQ in the Dark
You can't tell from these photos because of the flash
but it was pitch black out...we had no lights
But we had the Best Time!!
Deb & Rob
Megan & Nate digging into the Beans
Thanks for the yummy beans Deb!!
Thanks Kelly & Bob for grilling the Steaks!!
The next morning we could not get the kids up....
Then it was back to the beach....
Check our new Beach Tent...
To bad we didn't get to use it, the storm came in right
after Nate set it up pretty much...
So What do you do in the rain...Go for Ice Cream!!
Then it was back to the hotel for some pool fun
first some fun with Bubbles!!

Nathan Chillaxin in the pool
On our way to dinner - Megan Striking a pose for the camera
Our Patriotic Group
Nate, Cody, Caylie & Megan
The Girls
Deb, Kelly, Caylie, Megan & Me
Dinner at the Boathouse
$10 Lobster!! Yep that's right!!
Rob getting ready to dig in...
Nate digging into his Pasta
Then it was time for Fireworks and Sparklers

(I have to apologize it was a Make-up Free Weekend)
I'm just saying - Oh and DO NOT Click on this photo
because it will become larger and can be harmful to your eyes
trust me!!
Miss Megan
Nate & Caylie
They are Best Buds!!
Daddy's Girl
Cutie Pie Caylie!!
Me & Kelly
(remind me to burn that shirt - it really does NOTHING good for me)
Yes I am blaming it on the shirt!!

Two Hot Mama's
Kelly & Megan

Last day at the Beach - Just the girls went
Miss Caylie - She is the cutest thing!!
Looks like she had the Sunshine in her bucket
Megan & Caylie hanging in the ocean

All of the girls Red, White & Blue Toes & Fingers
It was the BEST Weekend!!

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