
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Family Fun

Last Weekend we got to spend the entire weekend with some of my family, which is always lots of fun and so special to me!!

My Cousin Tiffany and her Baby Blake came down to visit and he is getting so big. Blake's Dad, Stevo couldn't come but we sure missed him!! We haven't seen Blake since May. He is the cutest thing and loves to be on the move!!

We also celebrated my cousin Jessica's Birthday, since she was on a cruise on her birthday. click here to see her Birthday post (Jessica's Birthday Post)!!

Blakey Boy!!
Beautiful Boy!!
Jess & Carlee are so good with Blake
Jess loves her little Blake
Carlee showing Uncle Buck how she can do a puzzle
Great Great Uncle Buck with Blakey Boy
Blake Loves his Great Grandma (Aunt Dot)

Jessica's 11th Birthday Celebration!!
The Beautiful Jessica getting ready to blow out her candles
Jess got lots of cool gifts...

Gotta Love the CONVERSE
Nick Sporting a Wife Beater...
He was getting ready to do some booty shaking dance
Lisa and Ralphie!!

Blake loves his Great Grandpa (Uncle Lenny)
Such a Cutie!!


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