
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wedding Picture Post......

We arrived on Thursday and got to spend some Quality Time
with My Aunt Ginger, Uncle Vernon & My Cousin Amy

Friday Morning we woke up to this beautiful Rainbow!!
 Amy & Dad (The Buck) getting their Drunk On
Shooting the Old Grandad

Friday was the rehearsal dinner.
All my pix came out blurry except this one
Tracy giving Nick a gift for being the Ring Bearer 

 After Dinner Tracy (The Groom) invites us all
back to his house!! It was sooo nice to just hang
with all of our family...and Tracy made us some
yummy Blender Drinks!!

Look at these two beauties!!
Ashlyn & Carlee
 We all had fun with Baby Blake
Blake with his Uncle Frank
(Frank has lots of experience with babies!!)
Blake with his Grandpa (My Cousin Len)

 My Beautiful Cousin Amy & Her Handsome Husband Brian
Aren't they the a Cute Couple!!

The Wedding Day...
The Lighting of the Candles
 Parents of the Groom
Aunt Ginger & Uncle Vernon
 The Groom Tracy - Waiting for his Bride
 The Vows
The Kiss..
 The Reception
Bridal Portrait...Just Gorgeous!!
 The Beautiful Couple...
These photos greeted you at entrance to the Reception

The Band...getting ready to introduce the Bridal Party
 Waiting for the Bride & Groom...

The First Dance

Father Daughter Dance..

Bride dancing with her Parents....
So precious....

The Food was Amazing...every corner had more food.
This was the Sushi Bar.....

The Cake was Beautiful......
5 Layers...each one was a different flavor
Strawberry, Vanilla, Chocolate and Choc/Vanilla Combo
 Cutting the Cake....

 So Sweet......

Handsome Nick....
The Ring Bearer

 Beautiful Ashlyn
Shane & Randy
From Arizona....
 Aunt Dot with
Ashlyn, Jessica & Carlee
 Aunt Dot & Jessica
 Norma, Aunt Ginger, & Ginny
 Dad & Frank
 The Girls..Dancing

Steve & Tiffany with Blake
He's was all tuckered out
 Then he woke up.....So Cute

We had a GREAT Time at the Wedding and Spending time with our Family.
Thank You Tracy & Kristin for Inviting us!!
Congratulations and May You Have All The Happiness in The World!!
We Love You!!

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