
Monday, January 31, 2011

Boring Blog.....

I know I haven't been posting much on the blog lately....well that's because things have been pretty quite around the Miller House.....well not QUIET but more uneventful....My Dad "The Buck" is staying with us until he gets back on his feet...and he LOVES to talk so there is NOT alot of Quiet going on at the Miller's these days. And ya know I need lots of quiet...LOL

I was thinking about the year ahead and we've got lots of fun times and big events coming up this year...

First off in February, we'll be attending TWO Super Bowl Parties...(we'll be party hoping) then it's VALENTINES DAY!! (no plans so far) and lots of Family Birthday's to celebrate in February.

March will be SPRING BREAK and that means we'll have the kiddies for a week, YEAH!! And we are thinking we might spend a few days with them in St. Augustine this year. We'll also try to celebrate Nathan's 13th Birthday, which is at the end of March but they will be with us the Week of the 14th, so Maybe Nate and I can have a double birthday Celebration!!

In April...we might get a visit from Blake Ross. Rob's little brother in Illinois might come down and hang with us for his Spring Break!! We hope so!! We'd love to have Blake all to ourselves!!!

In May, we'll be celebrating our 4th Wedding Anniversary!! Rob's Birthday and we are getting some special visitors!! Rob's Parents are coming for the Week to Celebrate Rob's Birthday!!! YEAH!! We Can't Wait. Then at the end of the Month our IAN will be graduating High School in Alabama!! We are sooo looking forward to that!! And also in May we'll be keeping our sweet little Caylie while her parents go on a cruise!!

In June...The Kids are out of School and will spend the summer with us!!! We'll Celebrate Fathers Day with them and then Celebrate Megan's 12th Birthday!!! And Then hopefully Summer Camp begins and Megan will have a fun Summer hanging with her best Buds....Jessica & Carlee!! And Nate will go to work with Rob and make all kinds of money for himself.

In July we'll still have the kids and we hope to spend sometime with them in NAPLES on the Weekends!! We had so much fun last year in Naples, with the kids and our good friends.

August will be time to go back to School....we'll take the kids home, Nathan will start 8th grade, and Megan will start 7th grade!! And our Ian will turn the big 18 in August!! Also in August....our friends Dana & Dave are expecting their first baby!! And we are very excited for them!!

Then in early September we'll be sailing away on a Cruise to the Caribbean with my Sister Gina and Brother-In-Law Chad and we can't wait!!!

In October we'll be hopefully spending Fall Break with the Kids at the Cabin and we hope Grandma and Grandpa Miller will be able to join us as well!!

Then we start the Holidays Months all over again.......I'm sure I've missed a few things in between...but you can be sure I'll be updating the blog with the goings on!!

So stay tuned for our upcoming Adventures!!!

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