
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Happy Birthday to My Mom - I Miss You So Much

Today, would be my Mom's 67th Birthday.
I Wish So Many Things Today, but Mostly I Wish My Mom was here.

I am trying not to be Sad but today but it's just so hard..
I know my Mom only wanted Us to be Happy and
So I will try my hardest to Not to Be Sad Today
But to Be Thankful I had her in my life as long as I did.

This morning as I was laying in bed I heard this bird outside
chirping like crazy and I was thinking...Please be Quite!!
But I know it was Mom saying Wake Up Girl, It's My Birthday!!!
So Happy Birthday Mom!!
I Miss You So Much!!!
I Love You MOM!!


  1. I'm so sorry about your mom. It has been almost 9 years since I lost mine and today would have been her birthday. I still miss her so much.

    Sending you hugs and just try to remember the good times and not focus on the fact that she is gone. If you believe in heaven you will meet again.

  2. I'm so sorry about your mom. It has been almost 9 years since I lost mine and today would have been her birthday. I still miss her so much.

    Sending you hugs and just try to remember the good times and not focus on the fact that she is gone. If you believe in heaven you will meet again.

  3. You and I do not know one another.. but, today would have been my Mother's birthday.. And I am remembering the ultimite gift she gave me... which was life.. she passed away 10 years ago.. and some how some way we have to continue on.. God bless you and keep you.
