
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Family BBQ/Birthday Party

I am behind on blogging this month!!

I missed a few Birthday's
Happy Birthday to our Cousin Lenny!!!
Happy Birthday to our Cousin Stevo!!
Happy Birthday to Me!!!

We had a FUN Family BBQ at Tiffany & Steve's House
and we Celebrate all Three of our Birthday's!!

It was a lot of Fun and we got to meet some really nice people.
We met our Cousin's Lenny's Fiance's parents and Grandparents!!
Here are a few pix from the day....

Blake..He's getting so big and he's talking
He repeats whatever you tell him!!!

Blake with his GREAT GREAT Uncle Buck!!!

There was lots of Corn Holing going on...LOL

Bernie and Micah
Blake and his Great Grandpa!!

Blake and His Grandpa!!

Dad (The Buck) & Aunt Dot (Cobra)
This Cutie Pie was the sweetest baby....she was Marissa's Best Friend's Baby
Stevo being Silly
Lenny getting ready to open his presents
and Chatting with his Future Grandmother-in-law
She is a Doll and makes a GREAT Salad!!
Me & Steve opening our presents and being Silly!!

The Yummy Cake
Tiffany & Stevo 
Thanks for the Party!!
Blakey Boy!!
Blake and Rob
It was a FUN Day!!

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