
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Spring Break 2011 Picture Catch Up Post #2

Spring Break 2011 - Our Trip to St. Augustine.......We Loved it!! Learn a lot about the History of the Oldest City and went on a Ghost Tour!!!

We Loved the Train Ride..we spend 3 days on this tour

Outside Ripley's Museum was a giant statue of
Michael Angelo...this is the reaction when they saw
that he was naked....LOL!!

Megan pointed out he needed a Pedicure!!!

Inside the Ripley's museum

This is were Megan spent most of her time!!! 
Thought these were funny inside the bathrooms at Riley's
Megan checking to see if she has the Miller Love Spell like the boys do....LOL

Giant Erector Set inside Museum

The boys in the Torture Device!!

This is hard to see in the picture but it was black with flashing lights all different colors and you couldn't walk through it without falling even though the floor was not moving just the was cool.

Outside of Ripley's, apparently it's an old Home and then Hotel that is very haunted, which we found out later on the Ghost Tour!!
This is a house made out of a giant log....
inside the log house....

cobblestone streets in St. Augustine were very cool

Checking out the was pretty cool, we spent two days at the Fort.

Lot's of Horse and Carriages around the City, this one was dressed up for St. Patricks. Day.

On the Train, getting our Tour On!!
There are tons of beautiful Old buildins there....

This is the oldest house....not a good picture...sorry
The oldest tree apparently....LOL
The street on the way to the Fountain of Youth!!
The Oldest Drug Store....

Back to the Fort

My favorite place in St. Augustine. It was so peaceful here. It's the site of the first Catholic Church. The Cross was Giant, it was very beautiful..

Can you see the reflection of the cross in the water....

Lunch at a Haunted Restaurant, it was tasty!!
Billy Boy
Ian & Billy
Chad & Nathan
Dad & Gina
Megan & Rob
Me & Ian...

Our Ghost Tour Guide....

Billy getting creeped out on the Ghost Tour
The Creepy Cemetery  on the Ghost Tour
Do you see those white circles? Apparently those are
Orbes...from you believe?

Megan being part of the ghost tour!!
Megan being TERRIFIED inside the Ripleys Muesum at night...she was so scared she could not get to sleep that night, No more ghost tours for her!!
These pictures are from outside the Muesum, look at all the Orbs!!

The Husted's & Beau at the end of the Tour
Check out the Orb to the left of Chad....
I don't know if I believe but I can explain all those strange circles in the pictures either. What do you think? Boo!!

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