
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Dana's Baby Shower

My friend Dana whom I've worked with for the last 10 years is having her first baby, a Girl, named Francesca Rose, and we (Me, Kelly & Sonia) gave her a work shower. It was lots of fun and I made my first Diaper Cake!!!
Here are a few pictures from the shower...(click on photos to make larger)

This is the Dessert table!!!
Yummy Cupcakes and lots of Cannoli and Italian Pastries

Here is the Diaper Cake I made...
I had so much fun making it!! 
 I had so many diapers, I was able to make a smaller diaper cake too!!

 The Yummy Cupcakes that Kelly brought
 Lots of Cannoli
 Assorted Italian Pastries...yum

The Gift Table...She got lots of Great Gifts!!
 Dana's seat

 This was the table for The Price is Right Game we played!!

 Lots of Decorations, courtesy of SONIA!! She's the decorating queen!!
 A Piggy Bank for Francesca, (that Sonia made) everyone brought their loose change for her bank
 Some of the girls getting their lunch
Hot Lunch Was Served....
The Menu:
Chicken Parmesan
Beef Burgundy Tips with Egg Noodles
Salad, Rolls & Mixed Veggies
 Dana with her Sister Linda
So Cute!!!

Some of the Girls playing The Price is Right Game

 Annette was the game winner!!
Sonia made some gorgeous bracelets for the prizes
 It's time for presents!!!

 Dana got lots of cute stuff and this is a handmade Pillow

 Look How Cute Dana Looks in her Shower Hat that Charlene made for her!!

 Here is the whole group that helped with the Shower!!!
Charlene, Sonia, Kara, Me & Kelly

 Me, Dana & Kelly
We've been through, Weddings, Engagements, Adoptions and
now it's OUR first Birth and we can hardly wait to meet
Miss Francesca Rose!!
Congratulations Dana!!!
We Love Ya Girl!!!!

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