
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sick Sick Sick

I've been sick since Tuesday and that's why I haven't posted any Cruise pictures. I just have not had the energy and I have a ton of pictures and can't wait to share them.
I hate being sick and can't wait until this bug is gone, just a Virus so the doc said no antibiotics....jeez. So instead I just have to feel like Crap until it's gone, and I tell ya, I feel like a Mac Truck ran me over, and my head feels like it's underwater!! Oh how I wish I was still on vacation!!

Here's a sneak peak at the cruise photos.......(click on the photos to make larger)

Rob & I in St. Maarteen

 Rob getting us some tasty beverages!!!

View from the top of a mountain in St. Thomas
We took a Ski Ride up the Mountain
Looking down at our ship
Stay Tuned for more pictures...

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