
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Waisted Weekend!!!

This has been such a waisted weekend and I HATE that!!! I've been sick with a miserable cold since about Tuesday night and I can't seem to shake it, the coughing is killing me, my lungs hurt so bad from coughing and now every time I cough it feels like I'm poking a bruise!! UGH Whaa Whaa, I know I'm such a baby!! But I can NOT stand when things are not Normal!!!
I feel like this guy!!

I managed to drag my ass to the grocery store yesterday for a quick minute to buy some Thura-flu and more cough drops!!! I was happy to be out of the house, even though it was only to the grocery store, which is my LEAST favorite place to go...LOL
I had came back from our Cruise, all rested and excited to get ready for Fall, ya right!! I feel like my life is on hold with this stupid cold!! UGH!! OK enough whining from me!! I know it could be so much worse, I am so lucky it's just a cold and not the Flu or something worse!!!

Can you believe it's almost the FALL already!! How did that happen, it still feels like Summer here, with 90 degree weather outside!! Oh how I long for those 70 degree days!! I hope we gets lots of those and not to many of the freezing cold days, we don't like those!!!

If I have the energy, my plan is to post the cruise pictures later today...but there are a lot so it'll take me awhile.

I think if this was my back yard view...I could recover much quicker!!! What do you think?
This is my Dream Back case your wondering....


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