
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Birthday Catch ups!!!

I've been a bad bad blogger...I've been in a funk lately and it's been hard to just keep up with life in general...but I'm feeling better and hope to stay on top of keeping the blog up to date...

I missed lots of Birthday posts in the last couple of weeks....but I did not miss acknowledging the birthdays to everyone!! So Happy Birthday to our Beautiful Family!!! We Love You and we wish we could celebrate with all of you but since we don't all live near each other, its not always possible. And just because I did not get a chance to post on your birthday, does not mean that you are not Special because you are!!!

Happy Birthday to My Beautiful Sister-In-Law Jenn and her Beautiful Daughter Kylie!!!
 Kylie turned 10 and Jen turned...well 29 of course...hee hee

Happy Birthday Kylie & Jenn
We Hope All Your Birthday Wishes Come True
We Miss You!! We Love You!!

A Great Big Happy Birthday to our Cousin Frankie Boy
Frankie turned 14 on February 18th and will be starting High School Soon
Happy Happy Birthday Frankie
We Hope All Your Birthday Wishes Come True!!
Frankie got some cool gifts...but I think this
was his favorite one....
 and some shells to go with...
 Time for Oreo Ice Cream Cake!!

Happy Birthday Frankie!!
We Love You!!!

Then it was time for our Beautiful Cousin Carlee Rae's Birthday!!
Happy Happy Birthday CarCar!!
We Hope All Your Birthday Wishes Come True!!

 Carlee's yummy cake!!! Made especially for her by her Grandma!!

Happy Birthday Sweet Beautiful Carlee!!
We Love You!!

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