
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Labor Day Weekend 2013 & September 2013 Recap

For a Long Labor Day Weekend Rob and I went to visit his family in Wisconsin and Illinois. I was very excited as this was the first time I was able to see where Rob grew up and I got to meet his Aunts and Cousins and other family members that I've never had the chance to meet. It was so AWESOME!!

We flew into Milwaukee, WI then had about a 2 hour drive to  Rob's Sister Jennifer's house in Barboo, WI, which is near The Dells (if anyone googles it) it's pretty cool. The Dells is their version of Orlando.

We spent a few days with Jennifer and Kylie our niece...sweetest thing you'll ever meet!!! We hung out and Rob helped Jen with a  few projects around the house, we grilled out and we did a little shopping in the Dells and went for an Awesome Boat Ride in The Dells, it was awesome and such a beautiful part of the country.

Then we went to Rob's other Sister, Heather's Wedding Reception, also in Wisconsin. They were married in June but waited to have the reception until then. It was great fun and I got to meet lots of people from Rob's Dad side of the family.

Then it was off to Illinois to see the rest of the family. We had a nice time with Rob's Mom's side of the family. I got to meet all the Aunts he talks about and his cousins, everyone was so Nice and welcoming. Then we got to spend the day with the Millers, Dad & Mom Marcia, we went to an Apple Orchard (my first Apple Orchard) I'm obsessed and can't wait to go back. We got to see Rob's little brother Blake and Hockey Star practice, it was pretty cool to see him in Action. Then we had a nice BBQ at Ross & Marcia's house. It was sooo great!! Then we had a light night snack with Rob's Sister Kate, Amanda and Cousin Julia, and nephew Tyler. Then a nice breakfast with Ross & Marcia before we had to head home. It was a GREAT Trip and I can not wait to go back, hopefully in the Fall to see the leaves changing!!

Here are a few pictures from our trip....

Rob and Miss Kylie

 Our Rental and the front of Jen's house
 What you see from Jen's front Yard...she lives in the County, it was so cool
 Back Yard...

 Jen's Veggie Garden

 Our Boat Ride in the Dells....

 Park in Baraboo, WI 

 This is their Beach...pretty cool

 Our Boat Ride in The Dells...It was Amazing

Heather & Chri's Wedding Reception
The Newlyweds
 Rob and His Marcia!!

Apple Orchard, they had the BEST Hot
Apple Cider Donuts....

 Ross (Dad) & Rob
 Blake playing Hockey

Amanda, Kate, Tyler, Rob, Brad & Julia
Jen, Kate, Karen & Rob
 Jen, Kate, Kylie, Karen, Tyler & Rob
 Rob & His Mom Karen
 Rob & His Grandpa

It was a GREAT Trip and we can't wait to go back!!!

Back Home....later in the Month I made this One Direction Birthday Cake for Kayla Girl!!

Happy Birthday Beautiful Kayla!!!
I can't believe your 15!!!!! Love You!

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