
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Crazy Time of Year......

Hi All - Well I don't know about you but it seems that after Thanksgiving the world goes crazy, I guess it's the panic of the Holidays and the year end frenzy to tie up loose ends, meet objectives and christmas shop but today at work it was crazy and everyone I dealt with was crazy also, from vendors to fields reps. Then I get home and my phone doesn’t stop ringing.
It's going to be a long Month!!! Sometimes it's fun and sometimes it's stressful, but I've decided to make this Month (December) a fun one, no matter how crazy it gets, I'm going to just laugh and make it fun, who's with me?
One of the good things about this time of year is the parties!!! We are invited to a Christmas party next Friday and we can't wait. Our friends Sharon & Wayne are having a Christmas Party and they've recently moved into their dream house, and we can't wait to see it. We're very excited to see the new house and spend some quality time with my old friends.
I’ll be sure to take pictures!!!

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