
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Fixing up the condo....

We've been fixing up our condo, basically just painting, but going from white walls to a color really makes it a big change, and can I just add I HATE change, but this so far has been a good change. We spend all weekend and we're still not done yet.In the middle of our painting project, house is a mess, stuff every where, my husband brings home a new wall unit. Which is great since our current one was just horrible (according to my husband). It was brand new when I bought it 14 years ago!! One of my husband's customer's was moving and gave him the wall unit and he just came home with it without even sending me a picture first, so of course I freaked out, but I actually like, so I’m glad otherwise I probably would have told him not to bring it. It's so much better than the white-ish one we had and the price was right....FREE!!! It matches the floors and the new wall color. But the unit is really for a LARGE Screen TV and we have a normal size TV, so it looks a little funny but we hope one day our normal TV can grow up into a BIG TV. Here's a picture of the new wall unit and check out our new wall color, what you think? Also, the coffee table is going and the gold rod iron stuff is going to be painted black.

And since this wall unit did not have any room for my bubble fairies (I'm into Angles & Fairies) we needed something to put them in. So off to IKEA we went. IKEA is my new favorite store, we love it. Have you been to IKEA yet? It's new to South Florida, it's awesome, go check it out when you have a chance. The curio we got from IKEA for pennies is in the corner, but I think I might need just one more because that one is full. Rob said he was waiting for that...LOL

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