
Monday, March 31, 2008

Fishing trip to Sebastian

Rob and his friend Hans were gone all day Sunday fishing.
Rob was up at 4:00 am and he went and picked up the boat, the bait, then Hans and off they went. Sebastian is two hours north of us, they were in the water by 8:00 am. They borrowed our Cousin Frank’s boat. Thanks for loaning us the boat Frank!!!
The main reason for going all the way to Sebastian was to catch flounder, and I have to say, being a Floridian and living here and fishing here all my life, I have never caught a flounder, so I was a little excited to see what he came home with. I remember going to Sebastian with my parents as a young child to go claming and I remember it was lots of fun but I don’t remember ever fishing for flounder.
Well the boys fished all day, and they did catch some fish, but no flounder. I think they caught Sheepshead.
I believe they finally headed home about 5:30pm – 6:00pm and they had to make a stop in Jupiter, and after dropping Hans off and taking the boat back to the warehouse it was
after 10:00 pm before Rob got home. He was very sunburned and tired and smelly…LOL
It was a long fun day of fishing and hanging with the Dutch Boy!!!
Since they did not take any pictures, this is a picture I found on-line of the inlet.

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