
Saturday, March 29, 2008

Quick Trip to Atlanta

Today, Saturday, I had to work a dealer event in Atlanta. It's a long day and for those of you who know me well, know that I am not a good flyer and if I didn't have to fly I would not.
But since it's my job to be in Atlanta then I have no choice. The best part is that I don't have to fly commerical, NOPE, we get use the company jets. And let me tell you they are soooo much nicer than flying commerical. Yes they are smaller than a traditional jet but they are jets, no props. I still have to admit it still scares me terribly to fly. And my friend Kelly who was also traveling with me gets really sick when she flys so between the two of us we were quite a pair.
And of course tonight on our way to Atlanta it was smooth sailing until we got to Atlanta then we had to cirlce for 30 minutes because of a Thunder Storm, then we still had to fly through some bad weather to land....ugh. I was NOT happy but the pilots did a great job and it was a little rainy when we left Atlanta as well, but not for long. It's always an up and back same day trip. We had a very succesful event and now I am soooo happy to be home. I still have to fly to Charlotte and Orlando in April. UGH.. I think I'll drive to Orlando, it's only 3 hours a way.
Below is a picture of our ride, check it out........

This is just one of the JM Family Jets

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