
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Bear Attack

Evan - One Brave Little Boy
We are so happy that my good friend Kelly's son Evan (8 years old) is safe and doing well today.
On Monday Evan was attacked by a black bear while on a hiking trail in Tennessee with his Father and brother.
Evan is okay, he was scratched and bitten by the bear but his wounds, thank the LORD were not life threatening. He had to get 35 stitches. The picture above is Evan showing some of his stiches. He is one lucky kid and we know he was being watched over that day by a guardian angel.
Even lives in South Florida with his Mom Kelly, his brother Alex (10) and his Step dad Hans. We are all very close friends and I've know Kelly since the 5th grade and was present for the birth of both her boys. These boys have a special place in my heart. I was so scared when I first heard the news, I didn't think I was hearing correctly.
The boys were on a summer vacation with their Dad (John) in Tennessee and taking pictures near a creek off the nature trail. Luckily the boys Dad was able to pull the bear off long enough for Evan to get free and run. The bear went for Evan a second time before John and his older brother Alex scared the bear off by throwing rocks and sticks at the bear. I can't even imagine what it must have been like to see a bear attacking your child. Thank the Lord for John's quick reactions by pulling the bear off of Evan.
You may have seen the story on the news, if not you can read about it and see some video clips on or

We Love you Evan and we are so thankful you are okay and we can't wait to see you when you get back home.

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