
Sunday, August 17, 2008


UPDATE: We got LUCKY and didn't get a hurricane this time!!!! YEAH, just some bad weather and we never lost power either. One good thing is our office was closed on Tuesday. So I guess that's South Florida's version of a snow day!!!

Are we seriously getting a hurricane????????
Nooooooooooo, please pray we do NOT get a hurricane. As of right now Tropical Storm Fay is not yet a hurricane but we all know what happens once the storm crosses over land and hits the hot water, it can change very fast.
Do you remember a few years ago the Hurricane that hit Tampa that went from a Cat 1 to 4 in just a few hours? I'm sure all the West Coasters remember that one. It can change very quickly once it gets over the warm waters. And we are still in the middle of repairs from the last direct hit hurricane we had. I don't think our condo could stand another one.
Currently the path shows the storm towards the West side, which means we are on the bad side of the storm. GREAT. But that could change to because a day ago it wasn't even hitting who knows.
They are evacuating the Keys for all non-residents. My Dad lives in the Keys and he is heading up North, thank goodness. He usually stays but I think after the last one, no one is taking chances.
I'm sure by Tuesday all the airports will be closed, which will cause havoc at work, as most of my group is scheduled to fly out on Monday & Tuesday.
In South Florida a normal storm causes thousands of power outages for people, and if it's a really bad storm, we're in for some serious power outages.

We'll be glued to the Weather Channel all day.

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