
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Trip to Port St. Lucie

Over the weekend Rob & I went up to visit my Beautiful Cousin Tiffany & Her Husband Stevo.
We had a nice cookout with Stevo's family and watched video's of Tiffany & Stevo sky diving!!! It was so funny.
Rob could not wait to get up there and try out the new Pump Track Stevo built in his back yard. For those of us who never knew what a "pump track" is..well here's a few pictures.... I had no idea....Apparently there's not much peddling going on, just pumping...I know, you have to actually watch them ride to understand it...I guess. It was lots of fun and then Stevo took Rob riding on some mountain bike trails in the area and Rob had the best time!!!
While the boys were off playing Tiffany & I went out to a nice breakfast and then took a relaxing drive around the ocean until we both started feeling a little sick...and had to make a pit stop at the Magic Market, and then things just went down hill from there, we headed back to the house and both of us felt so sick we had to lay down (must have been the breakfast) but we were feeling better after a couple of hours rest...but it was still fun spending time with my Cousin Tiffany, Stevo and their soon to Scarmarto!!! Yahoo we can't wait.

Pump Track

Stevo's friend Greg
Greg & Rob

Of course Rob had to give his ideas for future track updates...

Thanks so much Tiffany & Stevo for inviting us. We had a great time hanging out with you and your family!!

Hanging with old friends.....

One of my best friends from 8th grade (Bridgette who lives in Massachusetts) came to town, we haven't seen each other since high school. One of my other best friends from eight grade who is still local (Tina) and her husband Jim came with us as well. We had a great night at the Cheesecake Factory!!

Bridgette with Rob & Jim
Bridgette & Her Mom Mary Lou

Joey Turns Two.....

Our friends Lauren & Jamie's son turned 2 a week ago and we went to the party to help celebrate. Happy Birthday Joey!!!
Here's Joey...
Joey & Mommy (Lauren)
Joey's Baby Sister beautiful Lyla
Joey loved his giant #2 balloon
All the kids loved the baby bounce house!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hummus amoung us.....

I made homemade hummus today and it was sooooooo yummy. I've been trying to make healthy recipes and I got the new Betty Crocker's Heart Healthy Cookbook for my birthday and found this recipe.
Try it out!!
1 can chick peas 15-16oz (Garbanzo beans)
2 cloves of garlic chopped
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
Chopped Fresh parsley (I used dried, who has fresh parsley around??)
1 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup of sun dried tomatoes in olive oil chopped.

Put all the ingredients in food processor and blend on crackers or veggies. Very good and pretty healthy.

Happy Birthday Kelly

Today is our beautiful friend Kelly's Birthday, AKA Caylie's Mom!!
Have a SUPER fun birthday Kelly and enjoy your dinner tonight!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Congratulations Tiffany & Steve

Breaking News....

My Beautiful Cousin Tiffany & her husband Steve
are expecting their first baby!!!!
Congratulations Tiff & Steve we are sooooooo happy for you!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Easter

Wishing all of our Family and Friends a Very Happy Easter
Love Rob & Pattie

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

New Doo

So I got my hair cut this week, it was so long and horrible I just needed a trim and a style, need to look a little more age appropriate in case I have some job interviews coming up....and let's hope I do!!!

Everyone on Facebook wanted me to post a photo, but I am NOT putting any recent photos of myself on Facebook, to many high school friends that haven't seen me since I was, ya know....young and skinny...LOL

But I'll put a picture on here to show my family and close you haven't seen me for a while, my hair was pretty long and my bangs, well they were none existent. I had a good 3 inches or more cut off.
I apologize for these pictures, as I took them myself and I had no makeup on and my eyes look like they are bugging out of my head...LOL

Hanging with the Food Network Stars...

My Sister and I had tickets to see Paula Deen and the Neely's at the Food Expo show in West Palm Beach, on March 29th and it was Awesome!!!
For Christmas I gave my Sister 2 tickets to see Paula Deen (so she took me with her..yeah!!) and also for Christmas from her boss she got a ticket to attend a luncheon and book signing with Paula!! How cool is that. And for my birthday my Sister gave me a ticket to see the Neely's while she was attending the luncheon.
Below are a few pictures from our fun day!!
Paula Deen
Paula Deen, her husband Michael and a Chef from England
Paula and her husband Micheal, aren't they adorable!!

We had great seats..and Paula was so funny!!
Here's Gina with Paula & Michael
(Gina's dream come true to meet Paula)
I Love this picture of my Sister with one of here Idols!!!

Then I got to see the Neelys (Gina & Pat)
They are so cute together and funny as well
They have lots of fun cooking together
The Neely's are full of fun
It was one of the BEST Days I've spent with my Sister!!!

Blog catch up...

I have been neglecting the blog, sorry people. Not working, has thrown off my entire mojo, with no structure in my day, I can't keep up with things.
The kids went home last Sunday and we miss them like crazy, but we'll see them again really soon.
After Nat's little accident, the next day we had a Birthday Pool Party planned for him. He couldn't get his head wet, so he decided to not go swimming at all but they still had fun.
Below are a few pictures for the party. I have no pictures of the cake, because I left my camera in the car when I went to pick up the cake....ugh (wonder what it feels like to be an organized person???)

Carlee & Jessica (sweet sisters)
Ian & Nick
Nicholas...looks like he needs a nap...
Megan thanking Aunt Dot for the "Un-birthday gifts"
Aunt Dot, brought all the kids gifts, she calls "un-birthday gifts"
That way all the kids have a present to open and they are thrilled
Thanks Aunt Dot for always making everyone feel special
Nate showing us his new ZEN mp3 Player...that was one his one request
A sodering iron isn't your typical gift for an 11 year old, but for Nathan, it's perfect, he was thrilled - Thanks Donny, Sherry & Riley
Of course Nate loves the erector sets!!! Thanks Aunt Dot
Nathan got lots of Cash & gift cards, Thanks everyone!!
Our neighbor Todd gave Nathan some really cool antique cars...
Thanks Todd & Suzie

Happy Birthday Nathan, we are so proud of you!!
We know only amazing things are in store for you.
We LOVE YOU so Much!!!