
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Blog catch up...

I have been neglecting the blog, sorry people. Not working, has thrown off my entire mojo, with no structure in my day, I can't keep up with things.
The kids went home last Sunday and we miss them like crazy, but we'll see them again really soon.
After Nat's little accident, the next day we had a Birthday Pool Party planned for him. He couldn't get his head wet, so he decided to not go swimming at all but they still had fun.
Below are a few pictures for the party. I have no pictures of the cake, because I left my camera in the car when I went to pick up the cake....ugh (wonder what it feels like to be an organized person???)

Carlee & Jessica (sweet sisters)
Ian & Nick
Nicholas...looks like he needs a nap...
Megan thanking Aunt Dot for the "Un-birthday gifts"
Aunt Dot, brought all the kids gifts, she calls "un-birthday gifts"
That way all the kids have a present to open and they are thrilled
Thanks Aunt Dot for always making everyone feel special
Nate showing us his new ZEN mp3 Player...that was one his one request
A sodering iron isn't your typical gift for an 11 year old, but for Nathan, it's perfect, he was thrilled - Thanks Donny, Sherry & Riley
Of course Nate loves the erector sets!!! Thanks Aunt Dot
Nathan got lots of Cash & gift cards, Thanks everyone!!
Our neighbor Todd gave Nathan some really cool antique cars...
Thanks Todd & Suzie

Happy Birthday Nathan, we are so proud of you!!
We know only amazing things are in store for you.
We LOVE YOU so Much!!!

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