
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hanging with the Food Network Stars...

My Sister and I had tickets to see Paula Deen and the Neely's at the Food Expo show in West Palm Beach, on March 29th and it was Awesome!!!
For Christmas I gave my Sister 2 tickets to see Paula Deen (so she took me with her..yeah!!) and also for Christmas from her boss she got a ticket to attend a luncheon and book signing with Paula!! How cool is that. And for my birthday my Sister gave me a ticket to see the Neely's while she was attending the luncheon.
Below are a few pictures from our fun day!!
Paula Deen
Paula Deen, her husband Michael and a Chef from England
Paula and her husband Micheal, aren't they adorable!!

We had great seats..and Paula was so funny!!
Here's Gina with Paula & Michael
(Gina's dream come true to meet Paula)
I Love this picture of my Sister with one of here Idols!!!

Then I got to see the Neelys (Gina & Pat)
They are so cute together and funny as well
They have lots of fun cooking together
The Neely's are full of fun
It was one of the BEST Days I've spent with my Sister!!!

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