
Friday, December 18, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

Today we are getting ready to head North, if we get everything done, we will first stop and visit the New Baby in our Family, little Blake Anthony. Then we'll head up to my Sisters and spend the night so we'll be half way to our Cabin Christmas with the Kids and our Family from Illinois. I am soooo excited to be able to spend some quality time with some of Rob's family since we never get the chance and we are so happy the kids will get time to bond with them as well.
I have lots of errands to run today but its pouring rain outside and there's a Tornado Watch. So I think will get the house clean, finish the laundry, packing and finish wrapping, then run my errands after the rain stops!! Also still waiting for UPS to deliver a package, pray that it shows up before we leave today!!!


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