
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Eve!!

Today is Christmas Eve and I still have so much to do but I am not feeling well today at all. I woke up yesterday with a Soar Throat and it's just gotten worse. At least it waited until we were on our way home from the BEST Christmas Cabin Trip EVER!!! We had so much fun with the kids and with our family. Rob's Family is so sweet and all the kids are adorable and so well behaved. We are so happy that everyone made the long trip down South.
We did not have time to see the new baby in our family on the way up and on the way back I was sick and sure did not want to go near the baby if I was sick. But we hope to see him really soon!!
I have tons of pictures to post, and I promise to do that soon, so stay tuned!!

Wishing all our Family & Friends a Very Merry Christmas!!!

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