
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hi Hat Cupcakes

I am dying to make these cupcakes
Don't they look just Yummy
Look at the Inside...OMG
To see step by step instructions click below
I saw this recipe on one my favorite cooking
I think I will try these when my In-Laws
Come to Town in a few weeks!!
Or Maybe I should do a Test Run first....Wish Me Luck

Monday, September 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Karen (Mom)

Today is My Mother-In-Law Karen's Birthday!!

Happy Birthday Karen!!!
We Miss You & We Love You!!
May All Your Birthday Wishes Come True!!
Rob, Pattie, Ian, Nathan & Megan

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I Miss You Mom

Two Years Ago Today....My Mom became an Angel....

As I was waiting for the elevator this morning on my way to work
I looked up and saw a Beautiful Sun Rise
Shining through the Clouds and
I Knew it was Mom saying Good Morning to me....

Mom, you're always with me...
You're the whisper of the leaves
as I walk down the street.

You're the smell of bleach in
my freshly laundered socks.

You're the cool hand on my brow
when I'm not well.

You live inside my laughter.

you're crystallized in my every tear drop...

You're the place I came from,
my first home..

You're the map I follow
with every step I take.

You're my first love and my first heartbreak....

and nothing on earth can separate us.

Not time, Not space...
Not even death....
Will ever separate you
from me....


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Tyler

Our Handsome Nephew the BIG 16!!!
Happy Birthday Tyler!!
We Sure Wish We Could be with you to Celebrate!!

Happy Birthday Tyler
May All Your Birthday Wishes Com True
We Miss You!!
We Love You!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Yummy Breakfast

Great way to start our Sunday....
Making Breakfast with my sweetie!!
I made a Yummy Frittata and
Rob made his version of home fries....
To get this easy and healthy Frittata Recipe Click Here
Its by Bethany Frankel....Try it, you might like it
Have a Super Sunday Everyone!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Frank!!

Yesterday my was my Cousin/friend Frank's Birthday!!
He tried to let it slide by, but I found out today it was yesterday!!

Frank is married to my Cousin
 but he is just a part of our family as much as his wife!!
Frank is Very Special to Me and All of our family.
He's the Brother I never had!!
Happy Birthday Frank!!! We Adore You!!
We Hope All Your Birthday Wishes Come True!!
We Love You!!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Happy Anniversary Amy & Brian

One Year Ago Today -  
Our family came together to Celebrate
The Wedding of My Gorgeous Cousin Amy &
 Her Handsome Husband Brian!
Happy Anniversary Brian & Amy!!

Click here (Wedding Post) to see the Wedding Post

Happy Anniversary and Many More!!
We Love You Guys!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Jennifer & Jacob

My Gorgeous Sister-In-Law Jennifer and her Sweetie Jacob!!
I took these pix from Jen's facebook. I couldn't resist because she just looks So Happy!!
Jake works overseas so they don't get to spend a lot of time together.

They just bought their First Home Together!!
See the Beautiful Fireplace in the background...
Congratulations on your New Home Guys!!
Jen I love that you have Star Fish on your mantel!!
A little bit a Florida in Wisconsin!!

We Miss You!! We Love You!!

Family Fun

Last Weekend we got to spend the entire weekend with some of my family, which is always lots of fun and so special to me!!

My Cousin Tiffany and her Baby Blake came down to visit and he is getting so big. Blake's Dad, Stevo couldn't come but we sure missed him!! We haven't seen Blake since May. He is the cutest thing and loves to be on the move!!

We also celebrated my cousin Jessica's Birthday, since she was on a cruise on her birthday. click here to see her Birthday post (Jessica's Birthday Post)!!

Blakey Boy!!
Beautiful Boy!!
Jess & Carlee are so good with Blake
Jess loves her little Blake
Carlee showing Uncle Buck how she can do a puzzle
Great Great Uncle Buck with Blakey Boy
Blake Loves his Great Grandma (Aunt Dot)

Jessica's 11th Birthday Celebration!!
The Beautiful Jessica getting ready to blow out her candles
Jess got lots of cool gifts...

Gotta Love the CONVERSE
Nick Sporting a Wife Beater...
He was getting ready to do some booty shaking dance
Lisa and Ralphie!!

Blake loves his Great Grandpa (Uncle Lenny)
Such a Cutie!!