
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Jersey Boys

Had a GREAT Time with my Special Aunt Dot!!!
We went to see the Jersey Boys Musical
It's was Amazing!!

Love going to the Theater!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Chocolate Kit Kat M&M Cake!!

I made this cake for a Christmas Party at Work
and I forgot to post on my here it is

You can use any kind of cake you want
I used my Chocolate Bundt Cake Recipe
 and this is how it turned out!!!
 Top View showing all the M&M's
 The back view
 This was really easy to make...
Use any cake mix you want, use two round cake pans
put frosting between each cake
Then Frost the cake with Chocolate Frosting
Then add the Kit Kat around the sides of the cake
they stick to the Frosting (be sure to use the King Size Kit Kat Bars)
Then fill up the top with M&Ms or whatever you like
you could use Strawberries or Blueberries or Candy Corn....
I put a Red Bow around for Christmas!!
Fun to Make and Yummy to eat!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Chef Ian

Our Ian is practicing his Culinary Skills.....
he made Dinner for Rob & I again, this time it was
Enchiladas in our new Dish from the Millers!!!
Good Job Ian!!
It was Yummy!!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


A Big Congrats to My Cousin Tiffany!!!
She and her Husband Steve are Expecting
Baby #2!!
Blake will be a GREAT Big Brother!!
We are So Excited for Them and
Can't wait to meet the newest member of the family!!
We Love You Guys!!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy Birthday to My MOM!!

Today My Mom would be 68!!
I know Wherever you are Mom, there's a Party Going on!!

I So Wish You Were Here With Us,
So We could Celebrate with You!!
I Think About You Evey Single Day
& I Miss You More and More Every Day

Happy Birthday

I Love You Mom!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Marcia (Mom)

Today is my Mother-In-Law Marcia's Birthday
Happy Happy Birthay our Sweet Marcia!!
We Hope All Your Birthday Wishes Come True!!!
We Love You & We Miss You!!!

Marica and Rob

Happy Birthday Marcia Mom!!
We Can't wait to See You!! We Miss You So Much!!
We Love You!!

Birthday Catch Up

My Uncle Lenny had a Birthday earlier in the Week

Happy Birthday Uncle Lenny!!!
We Hope You had a GREAT Birthday and
We Hope All Your
Birthday Wishes Come True!!!

We Love You!!!

Happy New Year 2012

Wishing all our Family and Friends
a Very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year

We Hope Everyone had as much fun as we did Celebrating
The New Year!!

We spent New Years Weekend with the Kids in Orlando
and it was Awesome!!!

Here are the pictures from our trip

The Lobby was all decorated

Outside by the pool and patio bar

The Main Pool with waterfalls and slide

Can you see Nate & Megan behind the waterfall?

The hotel had waterfalls all over - this was right outside our room
New Years Day started out with Lunch at our
Favorite Orlando Lunch Spot
Burgers at Fudd Ruckers!!!
 Then it was off to Down Town Disney
 The Boys waiting for Megan and I to finish shopping!!
 The Sports Store that even made baseball bats!!!
 Waiting for the to take us to the other side of Downtown Disney
 Not sure what was happening here....LOL
The Giant Boat Restaurant has been there ever since I can
remember and no one ever seems to go in....LOL
 The Giant Balloon Ride....Rob always wants to go up
but no one will go with him!!!
 Safety Instructions on the Boat
instructed by Mickey of course

The kids unders the Evil Eye!!

 Lots of cool stuff in the wall
 Here's a close up
 The Boys at the House of Blues

 Lots of Singing and dancing going on

Taking a break in the Candy Store
Megan showing us her blue Brothers Stuff Animal
she's addicted to stuffed animals!!
 Nate showing us his drum sticks from the House of Blues

 We just had to do it!!!
 New Years Eve Dinner by the pool
Take Out from Carrbara's thanks to Gift Cards
from my Cousins Len & Bernie - Thanks Guys!!

 Ian is ready for the Party
The Lobby getting ready for the big ball drop
 Having Fun at the Hotel

The Pool Bar was very festive
 Its hard to see but this was giant checkers and chess games
 Megan spent most of the night in the pool

 Ian & Rob dipped their feet in...
 Happy New YEAR!!!
It was Super Fun Weekend with the Kids
Wishing Everyone a Very Happy New Year!!