
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Chocolate Kit Kat M&M Cake!!

I made this cake for a Christmas Party at Work
and I forgot to post on my here it is

You can use any kind of cake you want
I used my Chocolate Bundt Cake Recipe
 and this is how it turned out!!!
 Top View showing all the M&M's
 The back view
 This was really easy to make...
Use any cake mix you want, use two round cake pans
put frosting between each cake
Then Frost the cake with Chocolate Frosting
Then add the Kit Kat around the sides of the cake
they stick to the Frosting (be sure to use the King Size Kit Kat Bars)
Then fill up the top with M&Ms or whatever you like
you could use Strawberries or Blueberries or Candy Corn....
I put a Red Bow around for Christmas!!
Fun to Make and Yummy to eat!!

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