
Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas Day 2011

Christmas morning found me with the worst soar throat and stuffy head and Nathan feeling just as bad, poor baby was up all night tossing his cookies and he never made it all the way to the bathroom a few times, so that means Daddy Rob was up all night too taking care of Nathan and cleaning up. We had to drag Nate out of bed to open his stuff, he was a trooper and went back to bed pretty quick and so did I.

It was still a GREAT Christmas!!!

Looks like Santa came...
 Open the Stockings first.....
 Poor Nate, he was not feeling well at all
 He started feeling better when he saw his Sports Illustrated Swim Suite Calender ..LOL

 Megan checking out her new Toms shows
Ian loves his new Polo Jacket!!

 Nate just wants to go back to bed...what is this another shirt?
 Looks like a shirt...but wait...what's this? Something under the shirt???
 It's a Cell Phone!! Yeah
 Megan is VERY Excited to finally get a Cell phone!!
 Rob showing off his goodies...Camera to use while Biking and other sports
His yearly Maxim Calendar (am I a great wife or what!!!)
 Loving his Slipknot Coffee Mug Rob's Sister sent him
Look what Santa brought me!!! Total Surprise
Thanks Babe, I love it!! 

 Dad with his new Captains Hat ....for his new boat
 Life Jackets for his boat!!
 Gina's new Coach Purse!!
Merry Christmas!!!
We hope everyone had a Christmas as GREAT as ours was!!

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