
Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas Eve 2011

This Christmas was Extra Special because we had all the kids with us this year at  our house!! They all went on a Cruise with their Grandmother the week before and then spent Christmas and New Years with us!!

Ever since I can remember I've spent Christmas Eve at My Aunt Dot & Uncle Lenny's house and it's always been my fondest memory of the Holidays. We also would stop by Grandma DeMello's on Christmas Eve and see what Santa left at their house when we were kids but we always ended up at Aunt Dot & Uncle Lenny's house....Over the years the family has grown and some have moved away, there were times when all my local cousins would be there and my Aunt Jean  & Uncle Ronnie, My Mom and My Dad , our current boyfriends and girlfriends at the time but it was always a Special Night and lots of Good Food, and Family Fun. It has been our Tradition for my whole life and to me, Tradition is something I love and is so important!! We've tried to start a few Traditions of our own with the kids, we always celebrate Christmas with them a week early at a Cabin in GA, and sometimes Rob's family joins us at the Cabin...but this year we were lucky enough to have them home with us...and

For the First Time, we hosted Christmas Eve at our house (I wanted to give Aunt Dot a break) and it was so much fun!! It was a tight squeeze but we made it work.....I tried to live up to Aunt Dot's standards because she goes all out for the meal and the gifts...Our Menu was, Honey Baked Ham, Beef Tenderloin, Mashed Potatoes (homemade gravy Thx to Aunt Dot), Green Beans, Broccoli Casserole, Corn Casserole, Cream Carrot's, Rolls and lots of yummy desserts!! here's a few pix from Christmas Eve

The Table - All Set

 Sugar Rimmed Champagne Flutes for our Toast
The Kids loved it!! We used Sparkling Grape Juice
 The Beautiful Center Piece My Sister sent me!!
She sent me 2 this one one of them

We had two tables...Adult and Kids Table
Gina peeling potatoes
 Appetizers..pickle wraps, Buffalo Chicken Dip and Cheese & Crackers
 Time for Presents!!!

It was lots of Fun!!!
I was exhausted and fighting a cold....and by Christmas Morning
Nathan had been up all night tossing his cookies and I could barely get out of bed.
So we spent Christmas Day, laying around being sick....
and we Missed Christmas Dinner at My Cousin Jen & Franks house and I was very Sad about that!!! Another tradition I look forward to....Christmas Dinner at My Jen's house. I love seeing all the goodies that Santa brought to the kids and getting to see all Frank's Family.
Merry Christmas to My Awesome Family!!!
Thanks for Always being there and making me feel special
 and for always making Rob & the Kids Feel Just as Special!!!!

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